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Our Services

Every one of our visits include a warm-up/cool down before and after the exercise and also 5 - 10 minutes dedicated to arriving and preparing your dog for the workout, potty breaks and clean-up, treat time (if permitted by you), plenty of belly rubs and locking/securing your residence per your instruction and making sure your dog is comfortable and happy before we go.  You will receive a feedback email (aka "pupdate") when our staff member departs that includes notes and a photo or two of your dog loving all the attention they get from us!  

Running Service

When a walk just isn't enough, running may be a great solution for your high energy dog.  We will design an appropriate running program for your dog's individual needs, from an easy jogging pace to interval sprinting workouts.  Running can make a huge impact on your dogs behavior and demeanor, and they will LOVE every minute of it.  If your dog has been getting walks but still exhibits poor behavior or signs of boredom, give our running service a try and see the difference it can make.

30 minutes     $34

45 minutes     $40

60 minutes     $46


additional dog add  $6

Walking Service

If a faster pace isn't the right fit for your dog, we offer our walking service with everything from a brisk walk to a longer leisurely stroll with plenty of time to sniff around and explore.  You may also use our walking service on off days in between our running or biking services to give your dog a recovery day but still get them outside to enjoy the outdoors with one of our awesome staff members.  

30 minutes     $28

45 minutes     $34

60 minutes     $40


additional dog add  $6

Biking Service

The advantage of biking with your dog is that we can control the pace completely and change it throughout the workout.  We will evaluate your dog to see if they are a good candidate for our biking service, and if so we highly encourage you to let your dog try it out.  We always take the first session or two to get your dog accustomed to running along side a bike, most catch on very quickly, and once your dog knows how to bike with us, they can enjoy the variation of workout intensity. 

30 minutes     $34

45 minutes     $40

60 minutes     $46





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Chance & Deja


Co-Founders of K9 VIP

"Dogs are not our whole life,

but they make our lives whole."

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